Golden delicious

Wolfgang Stifter, Magic Balance, 2016, Mischtechnik auf Leinwand, 150 x 120 cm, Foto: Wolfgang Stifter

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Wolfgang Stifter
Golden delicious

The STRABAG Art Forum is pleased to cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition Wolfgang Stifter - “Golden Delicious” on the occasion of its anniversary year.

„I want to paint how Adorno composes and how Paul Celan poems.“

For the “new fifties” of the painter and graphic artist Wolfgang Stifter (* 1946), the STRABAG Art Forum is showing works from the collection as well as brand new, current works. A significant balance is attested to his pictures, although he radically and carefree interweaving graphic and painterly moments. These are kept in a convincing balance, but often counteracted with barely legible scripturals.

Stifter likes to put his formal aesthetic considerations into a narrative framework, which leads the viewer to a pleasurable, associative path across the picture surface. In his most recent series of pictures, a “new lightness” can be discovered when the contours escape from the associated pastel-colored surfaces. At the same time, canvases with dense color packages were created that illustrate “working in contrasts” and give weight to the exhibition.

About the exhibition: Dir. Mag. Carl Aigner, Artistic Director of the Landesmuseum Niederösterreich

Wednesday, 27.04.2016, 18:00 – 21:00 hour
Artlounge im STRABAG Haus, 
Donau-City-Straße 9, 1220 Wien

Exhibition duration: 28.04.-03.06.2016