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Cristina Fiorenza
I believe every word you say
In her large-format, fairytale-like drawings, Cristina Fiorenza deals with the inventive spontaneous architecture and ornamentation of archaic peoples and nomads. She examines topics such as migration, the city as a construct and the relationship between metropolis and nature. The topic of the border as a human invention, travel or deception points to the vulnerability of humans in terms of social, political,
economic and ecological changes. The images of childhood, the dream of happiness continue in the fantasies of the adult - a cheerful and at the same time thought-provoking picture book between dream and reality.
My work is strongly influenced by studies of the culture of dwellings, the fragile constructions of archaic peoples and nomads, questions of migration, excessive urbanization and the relationship between metropolis and nature. But also simply exploring the city's boundaries. In the drawings, attention is drawn to the theme of the border as a human invention, travel or deception. How vulnerable we are in the face of social, political, economic and environmental changes. And at the end a dreamlike presentation. The paper is the surface on which I work with pencil, pastel colors, embroidery, fabric, collages. The drawing becomes sculptural.
1973 born in Naples
1992-1998, Technical University, Berlin, studied architecture at the Bauhaus University, Weimar Universita degli Studi di Napoli
Lives and works in Vienna
Preisträgerausstellung Strabag Artaward International
Strabag Artlounge Vienna
Pillar house 2, Bernbeuren, D
Accrochage, Galerie Barbara Preyer, Wien, A
Amsterdam Art Fair, Amsterdam, NL
Pillar house, young.austrian.art, Wien, A
Sisterhood, Galleria Overfoto, Neapel, I
Elastica, Salerno, curated by Antonello Tolve, I
Lost, VGF, Berlin, D
Fiera dell´arte contemporanea moderna, Roma, I
Kunst gegen Gewalt. Haus der Industrie, Wien, A
Kunstar, Bolzano, I
Art Cologne, Koln, D
Young Art Austria, Haus der Industrie, Wien, A
Baku-Detroit, Galerie Franzke, Wien, A
Radio Tashkent, Galleria Overfoto, Neapel, I
Agege motor road, Galerie Habres+Partner, Wien, A
Soho in Ottakring, Wien, A
Te huur, curated by Margarete Zink, Wien, A
Soho in Ottakring, Wien, A
Erste Wahl, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien, A
Soho in Ottakring, Wien, A
20 Jahre WUK, Wien, A
Moltitudini, Atelier 96, Wien, A