STRABAG Artlounge

Julia Steiner, Days and Spaces, 2017, Photo: Rudi Froese Photography

The STRABAG Artlounge, located on the upper floors of the STRABAG Building in Vienna, is a unique exhibition space. STRABAG employees, business partners and anyone with an interest in art are invited to visit and enjoy the art.

The STRABAG Artlounge is an exciting, fascinating two-story exhibition space. Unlike to the usual sterile white cube, the Artlounge’s glass façade offers a marvelous panoramic view of Vienna. Artists and their works interact with the space, but also assert themselves against it.

Since its opening in 2004, more than 150 exhibitions have been shown in the STRABAG Artlounge: All artists who have won the STRABAG Artaward International are given the opportunity to have a solo exhibition in the Artlounge. In addition, one or two exhibitions a year are dedicated to long-standing collection artists. In recent years, solo presentations have been shown by Wolfgang Hollegha, Roman Scheidl, Alfred HrdlickaEduard Angeli, Daryoush Asgar and Elisabeth Gabriel, anselm glück, Franz Grabmayr, Rudolf Hradil, Lisa Huber, Alois Köchl, Valentin Oman, Ahmet Oran, Hans-Peter Profunser, Gottfried Salzmann, Karl Stark, Wolfgang StifterPeter Pongratz and Christina Zurfluh. In addition, the group exhibition Väter_Töchter (Fathers_Daughters) was able to show the special constellation of four artists from the collection (Peter Krawagna, Gottfried Salzmann, Peter Sengl, Walter Vopava) and their four daughters, Suse Krawagna, Nieves Salzmann, Deborah Sengl and Catharina Vopava, all of whom won the STRABAG Artaward. The exhibition Strich und Faden. 12 Zeichnerinnen focused on 12 female artists of the Artcollection, the exhibition Tranche de Vie was dedicated to the three jubilarians Gerlinde Thuma, Franco Kappl and Farid Sabha in 2022.

STRABAG Artlounge on the upper floors of the STRABAG Building:
Access through main entrance
Donau-City-Strasse 9
A-1220 Vienna

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